you tempted to buy that cute puppy in the pet store window? Do
you want to save the pet store puppies by taking them all
home? Are you against what's called a "Puppy Mill"?
your answer is yes to any of these questions, YOU NEED TO STAY
AWAY FROM PET STORES that sell puppies and kittens.
you ask?
most if not all pet stores acquire their puppies from what is
called a puppy mill. Puppy mills are horrible places. Not a
place you as an animal lover would ever want to see a beloved
pet sentenced to.
mills are breeders that have many dogs that they breed over
and over again with no regard for quality and health. Often
the dogs and puppies are kept in deplorable conditions. Cages
stacked on top of each other, filled with urine and feces.
Puppies and dogs sick and starving, lacking proper veterinary
care, proper diet and exercise. This is just touching on what
conditions are like in puppy mills.
so your local pet store says they don't get their dogs from
puppy mills? Only from reputable breeders? Well think for a
minute, would a reputable breeder, with only concern for
producing healthy pups with proper conformation sacrifice
their litter of puppies to a pet store? Never knowing what
kind of homes they are going to? Whether or not they will be
properly spayed or neutered? No, I don't think so!
know its a hard thing to do to resist that cute puppy-dog face
in the local pet store. But everyone that buys a puppy from a
pet store, is inadvertently promoting puppy mills. None of us
wants to do that! But every puppy sold makes room for another
puppy to arrive from the puppy mills.
please stay away from those pet stores that sell puppies and
there are a chosen few pet stores that only sell puppies and
kittens from local animal shelters for a small fee. These pet
stores are helping the local shelters find homes for their
pets. The fee they require is only to cover, vaccinations,
worming and often spaying and neutering. This fee goes
directly to the local shelters. You may find this on occasion,
but the majority of the pet stores sell strictly puppy mill
away from them! Do some research. Find a truly reputable
breeder that breeds for quality not quantity.